So lately I've been thinking about how much time I spend going to "Extra Curricular Activities"...
with 5 kiddos, most of whom do more than one extra activity, I am constantly going in a million directions! (Don't let this post fool you.....I love it!)
Jake runs cross country, I have traveled to Cottonwood, Sedona, Clarkdale, and Camp Verde to watch him run. Go Jake!
Jonathan finishing up his eagle scout! He collected money and toy donations for the outpatient cancer clinic at Phoenix Childrens Hospital. This pic is some of the toys he will deliver.
Jake played with a local band at a block party here in Prescott. He had a couple of awesome solos and he really rocked it!
Chelsea was Belle at the Best of Arizona festival, she made the paper and did a Belle show where she sang several songs from Beauty and the Beast. She looked beautiful and lots of little girls were so excited to meet Belle:)
Max joined the swim team for the high school this year. It's been so fun to watch his meets, he is a really good swimmer.
I didn't get pictures of Brig doing his activities, he goes to piano on tuesdays and he just started scouts which he LOVES.
On top of this, Chelsea is cooking at culinary school and I have traveled to Scottsdale to eat her delicious creations. The culinary school runs a restaurant. Yum!
Max also goes to drum lessons, and has been drumming for about a year, I'll have to get a pic of him jamming out.